A Kind Heart and Willingness to Help. Giving a Ukraine Family a little Safety + Security
Over 3.5 million people have fled Ukraine, millions are displaced within Ukraine. Every day, by the hour, minute, and seconds we hear of new developments. The bad news is about civilians being killed in shelters or while trying to attempt to leave the country. It is heartbreaking.
Many women and children are still arriving in Poland. Some stay because of relatives, some go to neighboring countries. Others have gone back to Ukraine, and many refugees were brought to Germany.
Our story takes us to Bonn, Germany where I had the opportunity to talk to Gabriele Rasching.
1. Would you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about who you are?
I come from Northern Germany near Bremen and I went to Bonn (Germany) in 1979 to study Chemical and Mathematic. But I found a job at Deutsche Bundespost and since 1984 I‘m an officer(In). 1996 started the IPO Deutsche Telekom AG and I was there and my direct Boss was Dr. Ron Sommer. That was an interesting and exciting time. Both my sons are 34 and 38 years old, and I’m very proud of both.
2. You are a MOM of two adult children, you understand adversity and struggle. What is your connection to Ukraine?
Yes, life can be very hard, also in my life. But I say to myself „straight the crown and stand up Gabi“ ( “pull yourself together” Gabi)
I didn’t have a connection to Ukraine in the past, but now with the terrible war in this land and killing by Putin, that‘s enough! Women, children, old people must leave their families, brothers, husbands, etc.
I will help the women and will give them a little safety and security.
3. People from all over the world are helping and you did something very close to your heart. Please tell us about it.
I have a two-room apartment (fully furnished) with a bathroom and a little pantry kitchen. Since yesterday(March 21st) three adult women (mother, daughters, and a child (grandchild 10 years old) are living in the apartment and the entire family is very happy to have a new home.
4. You are a very special person. What do you want to say to our readers and what message would you like to share with the world?
My message to all the people in the world is: ” No War, we All go down.” No human, no animals, no flowers/trees, no seeds, no birds singing in the morning…
Why don‘t learn people from the past? Is there a gene missing in us?
Best regards from Gabi and stay healthy everyone!
Lilly Botto -Writer -” House & Garden” Category