The Emotionally Wounded Inner Child

“When children are emotionally and mentally injured, neglected, or even abused in childhood, those inner wounds never heal some say.”

I respectfully disagree. 

The inner child has tremendous strength and energy. We are adults now, but the wounded child can and will hinder us from reaching our goals, if it is not heard. Our goal is to look back on our childhood.

I have been working on myself all my life. The wounds from childhood can heal if we make the conscious effort to become aware, revisit these events as best as possible, and give ourselves the nurturing and caring to heal. One event at a time.

As we are reflecting we recall various environments and situations. Events between our father and mother and many of them were not pretty and not justified. Understanding today how mother and father were raised and why they acted the way they did gives us a clue that it was a generational repetition. We all must get out of that cycle. A child in pain can’t be happy, but inner happiness is achievable. That is absolutely true.

Start reading literature, and books or talk to others about your childhood. Understanding what transpired and why things are the way they are can give you the opportunity to make changes and live a life having inner peace.

Go to our podcast channel

and listen to our personal growth programs. It does not matter where you start, the fact is that you are starting somewhere..and that is promising.
Best of luck to all!

Lilly Botto -Writer -” House & Garden” Category